Love Is…
Growing in Grace, Motherhood Bethany Broderick Growing in Grace, Motherhood Bethany Broderick

Love Is…

At 6:41 a.m., love is patient.

He is patient with me as I press “snooze” on my phone alarm once, then twice, finally a third time. He waits as I check my email, scroll social media, and sip my coffee before finally pulling out his Word. He does not hold my tardiness against me but welcomes me into his presence.

I haven’t even read a page when my daughter wakes early from a nightmare and wants to cuddle in bed while I finish my time in his Word. At first, I’m frustrated—delayed by my distraction and then by my daughter’s early waketime—then I remember my Father’s patience. I take a deep breath and pull my daughter’s body closer to me.

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A Whisper in the Woods
Bethany Broderick Bethany Broderick

A Whisper in the Woods

Noise often chases away any silence in our hearts, our heads, and our homes during this season. As one year ends and another begins, loud voices shout out what we should be doing, buying, and thinking. On December 26, sales on toys will be replaced with advertisements for planners. Baking supplies for nutritional supplements. Twinkling lights for yoga mats.

An avid goal setter myself, I usually love this time of year to reflect and reset. To take the good of the past twelve months and plan to make it even better in the next. I typically select a word for the year and base all my goals on that central intention. Since Thanksgiving, I have been considering what word I would choose for 2025.

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Losing Sleep Over Regret
Bethany Broderick Bethany Broderick

Losing Sleep Over Regret

You know those regrets that won’t release their talons from your brain. They set in their claws so deeply that, if you try to remove them, you feel like you’ll end up removing part of yourself.

I have one such memory. One that as soon it gets pushed to the recesses of my mind, my long-term memory digs it up to broadcast at 11:27 p.m.—replaying it over and over so I finally fall back asleep curled up in shame.

You don’t have to wonder; I will tell you the story. Before I begin, though, I must let you know that I’m well aware that this is not that bad. You will be tempted to read my anecdote below, scoff, then say, “Seriously, get over it!” But for some reason I can’t, no matter how many times I try to expunge it from my mental record. No matter how often my husband confirms that it was, indeed, not a big deal, I still get squeamish any time I drive near the part of town where it occurred. We all have those moments (big or small) of shame, failure, or embarrassment that we can’t remove from our brain or our identity.

Without further ado, here we go:

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A Time for Savoring a Latte
Growing in Grace, Motherhood Bethany Broderick Growing in Grace, Motherhood Bethany Broderick

A Time for Savoring a Latte

“Due caffe latte, per favore,” my husband requests our normal order to our waitress. We sit across from each other in front of the café, at a metal table set atop uneven cobblestones. I have the perfect view to people watch. Local shopkeepers prepare their stores for the hordes of tourists to descend later. A man on a bike delivers produce to the restaurant behind us (including the biggest lemons I’ve ever seen). Occasionally, luggage wheels click down the cobblestone as a couple like us walks to the train and away from this idyllic, little town.

We unhurriedly sip our espresso and savor croissants for another thirty minutes before we, too, roll our luggage to the train station up the hill.

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Learning the Voice of God
Growing in Grace Bethany Broderick Growing in Grace Bethany Broderick

Learning the Voice of God

“I wan unny capiwah,” my two-year-old son said and looked expectantly at his grandparents. They simultaneously turned their heads to me for translation.

I asked him to repeat what he said, then worked through the jumble of syllables. I thought about what he had been doing that morning, what he could be wanting. Then I asked him, “You want to read The Very Hungry Caterpillar?”

He nodded eagerly, and his grandparents let out a relieved sigh that I had been able to understand my sweet son’s muddled speech.

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Forgetfulness: The Opposite of Thanksgiving
Growing in Grace Bethany Broderick Growing in Grace Bethany Broderick

Forgetfulness: The Opposite of Thanksgiving

“This is the worst day ever!” my five-year-old daughter screamed while large, hot tears fell onto her pink dinner plate. I sighed and looked over at my husband, who shook his head in exasperation.

“What about going to the splash pad with your friends?” I asked her. “Wasn’t that fun?”

She sniffled and gave a slight grunt in agreement.

“And we watched a movie and had popcorn after rest time. Did you enjoy that?”

She nodded her head reluctantly.

“We even had macaroni and cheese for dinner, your favorite.” I reminded her. “You’ve had a wonderful day!”

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