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Read a few of my favorite articles I’ve written for various ministries.

The Gospel Coalition

“While I’ve striven for knowledge at critical times in my life—researching a novel virus, adopting our third child, or facing hardship in my marriage—I ultimately found greater comfort in God’s knowledge than in my own.”

Christian Parenting

“The longer I am a mother, the more I’ve learned to confess my needs and ask for help. It doesn’t mean I’m not a good mom or that I’m weak or incompetent. It means I’m a limited human designed by a limitless God.”


“The more mature we grow in our Christian life, the more we will see our need to rely on the Holy Spirit. A sign of spiritual growth is not more independence, but more dependence on God.”

Gospel-Centered Disciplship

“When God disciplines us, it’s because he loves us and wants to remove any barrier in our life to enjoying his presence. He doesn’t want fear and shame to keep us hidden from his love.”

Risen Motherhood

“As we walk in dependence on and obedience to our God, we can sacrifice the good things of this world for the best of God’s kingdom—both for ourselves and for our children.”

Living by Design

“The gospel doesn’t merely proclaim we’re forever separated from God’s wrath. It provides us with the sure hope that we can never be separated from God’s love (Rom 8:39).”