Hey, friend! I’m glad you’re here.

I’m Bethany! I live in Birmingham, Alabama, with my husband, and three little kiddos. I’m a writer, speaker, professor, and, most importantly, a disciple of Christ. I’m also a recovering perfectionist who’s learning to rest in God’s grace in the everyday moments of life.

I am passionate about helping women find freedom from their self-condemning shame and self-righteous striving so that they can experience wholeness through the finished work of Christ.

I wish I could sit down with each of you at a coffee shop—drinking steaming brown sugar lattes—and speak God’s truth over the insecurities, doubts, and suffering in your life. Since we can’t, I pray my vulnerable, gracious, and truthful words (both here and in my books) will encourage you to hold fast to to the truth that Christ is enough for you.

I’d love to connect with you!