August Adoption Update

It’s been a little over a monthsince we announced our plan to adopt (and three months since we began thisjourney), so I thought I would give you a short update on where we are in theprocess.


We are overwhelmed by God’sprovision through your financial support after our announcement! Because ofyou, we have raised enough money through our t-shirt fundraiser to pay for thenext home study fee! Thank you! We honestly did not know how successfulfundraising would be (especially selling t-shirts!), but we see God workingthrough our meager efforts.

But we still have a long way togo! We still need about $2,000 by the end of the home study process in order togo active and start showing our family profile to expectant mothers! Once thehome study is completed, we’ll be able to start applying for grants, but untilthen, we are working hard to save and make extra funds, and we are trustingthat God will provide in his perfect timing.

Our next fundraiser is hostedby our friend Molly Nelson, a Noonday Collection Ambassador. Noonday designsand sells jewelry and accessories made by artisans across the globe. When youshop our AdoptionTrunk Show, Noonday donates 10% of your purchase to our adoption fund!Christmas is just around the corner, so check some gifts off your list whilesupporting our adoption! You can start shopping here:

Home Study

We’ve completed our first homestudy interview, and we are working on the paperwork for the rest of the homestudy process. Right now, we are getting physical exams and writing our“autobiographies.” This is a long document where we detail our personalhistory, including our family relationships, childhood, marriage, parenthood,employment, etc. It’s a draining task to complete, mentally and emotionally,but we are excited to be moving forward in the process. Our hope is that wewill be able to start showing are profiles to moms by January!


The most important thing youcan be doing for us right now is praying. The home study process can beexhausting, and we are constantly reminding ourselves of the truth of theGospel to get us through the tough moments. Here are a few ways you can bespecifically praying:

  1. Pray that Joseph and I would prioritize ourmarriage and would grow in our love and trust for one another. Pray that wewould continue to seek out ways we can develop as godly parents to Karis and toour future little one.
  2. Pray that Karis would continue to grow in thegrace and knowledge of Christ. Pray that we would intentionally disciple andtrain her with patience, wisdom, and gentleness.
  3. Pray that we would trust God to provide thefunds needed throughout the adoption process. Pray that we would also trust histiming as we wait for our future son or daughter.
  4. Pray that through the adoption process, we mightbe able to share the hope of the Gospel–that through the sacrifice of his ownSon, God adopted us into his family!
  5. Pray for our social workers, Renee and Grace,and our adoption agency, Lifeline Children’s Services, as they guide us throughthe adoption process.
  6. Pray for the mother that God has sovereignlyplanned to choose us to parent her child. Pray that he would prepare her heartright now to choose life for her child and eternal life in Christ.

Thank you for walking thisjourney with us. It truly takes a village!


The Blessing of Missed Opportunities


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