#ThursdayThings — Podcasts I listen to every week

Folding laundry. Driving downthe road. Cooking dinner. You better believe I have a podcast playing.

I follow a lot ofpodcasts, and sometimes I don’t even have time to listen to them all as theyrelease each week. In fact, while most podcasts are on a summer break, I’vebeen catching up on missed episodes from my less frequented shows.

But here are three podcasts I nevermiss. They hit the top of my queue when they release, and there is oneliterally waiting for me to press play as soon as I wrap up this blog post.Here they are: the podcasts I listen to every week.

The Briefing

This is the first podcast Iever listened to, and I’ve never missed an episode in five seasons. The Briefing with Albert Mohleris “a daily analysis of news and events from a Christian worldview.” Everyweekday Al Mohler, president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary,covers three or four news events and discusses how Christians should view andtalk about them from a Gospel perspective. From serious topics such as abortionlaw and migrant crisis to funny stories about selfies and happiness studies,Mohler helps start my day thinking about the culture around me in light of theCross.

That Sounds Fun

If you’re wondering, yes, thispodcast is very fun. ThatSounds Fun with Annie F. Downs is like sitting down with friends at acoffee shop and talking about life—if your friends were well-known musicians,writers, and athletes. Annie only interviews people who she’s friends with or afan of, and the questions she asks are incredibly insightful. She’s talked withmy favoritemusician and my favoriteauthor, and I can’t wait every Monday and Thursday to see who she is goingto chat with next!

Knowing Faith

I’ve only been listening to this podcast since April, but Knowing Faith produced by The Village Church has quickly risen to one of my must-listens. Hosted by Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley, this weekly podcast focuses on theological clarity and biblical literacy, but in an accessible, engaging dialogue. The three don’t always agree on every doctrine, but hearing positive discussion on topics such as women’s roles in the church, baptism, Calvinism, and more is refreshing in an age of polarized arguing. If you’re interested in diving deeper into the Christian faith, add this one to your queue.

My “subscribed” podcasts listcan go on and on, but these three have been the most impactful in my life. Ipray that they provide understanding, laughter, and encouragement to yourearbuds!


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