3 Truths When Life Feels Out of Control
Summer always wreaks havoc on our routines and schedules. Every week is different with vacations, swim lessons, and summer camps. Our days smell of sunscreen, hose water, and sticky popsicles. I want to savor the slow afternoons spent running around the backyard or curled up watching a movie. Yet my work deadlines don’t slow down, and neither do my kids’ appetites. The laundry continues to pile up with beach towels and swimsuits. I make packing lists, pack, and unpack—only to do it again the next week. As much joy as summer brings, I often feel like life is out of control.
As a woman who craves routine and structure, I search for ways to control these chaotic summer days. I scroll Etsy for a chore chart. I search for kids’ activities on Pinterest. I spend too much time in Excel trying to finagle the perfect daily routine. I begin my morning hovering over my color-coded planner.