April 2022 Adoption Update

Seven months have passed since our last adoption update, and we have seen eighteen info summaries and shown our profile nine times. While those may seem like just numbers, each represents another time God has answered our longing for another child with “not yet.” We ask that you continue to pray for us, specifically, that God would give us:

  1. Wisdom to know which birth mothers to show our profile
  2. Patience as we continue the long waiting process
  3. Faith to trust that his timing and ways are perfect

Despite these heartbreaking rejections, we have rejoiced to see how God continues to provide for the finances for our adoption. We received a $10,000 grant from Show Hope, and we are currently waiting for responses from seven other grants for which we have applied.

The adoption will cost around $35,000 plus travel expenses, and we currently have raised and saved eighty percent of the cost. While we pray that God would provide through more grants, we also have been blessed with a community that desires to support our family in this adoption.

Coffee Fundraiser

Today, we are beginning a new fundraiser through Big Fish Coffee Company! Big Fish Coffee is premium, specialty coffee that is roasted in Birmingham, Alabama. Every order is roasted fresh, and the shelf life is six months.

Each 12oz bag (whole bean or ground) costs $15 (+$5 shipping if you’re not local). All orders must be placed by May 7 and will be delivered about two weeks later.

Flavors and Blends

  • Breakfast Blend (light roast)
  • Cafe Blend (medium roast)
  • Columbian Supremo (medium roast)
  • French Roast (dark roast)
  • Hazelnut roast
  • Salted Caramel (medium roast)
  • Southern Pecan Crème (medium roast)
  • House Decaf

You can email orders to bgwbroderick@gmail.com and can pay via Venmo, PayPal, or check in the mail.

If you’re new to our adoption journey, here is a brief overview:

Joseph and I felt God’s call for us to adopt since early in our marriage (you can read more about that in our original adoption announcement). We are adopting domestically (within the United States) through Lifeline Children’s Services based here in Birmingham, Alabama. Once a birth mother chooses to make an adoption plan with Lifeline, we receive an info summary about her and her baby—including family, legal, and medical information. We pray over each of these summaries and decide whether to show the birth mother our profile book. She will then choose a family for her baby from these profile books. We are told it takes an average of 1-2 years to be matched with a birth mother.


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