January Adoption Update

Now that the holidays are over, we have a lot of exciting adoption updates for you!

Home Study

Our home study has been completed, and we are ready to be matched with our birth mother! We are still completing our profile book (what we show birth mothers to tell about our family), but once that is complete, we will start receiving “info summaries” about birth moms. If we think that we are a good fit for the birth mom, we can ask our agency to show her our profile, and we wait to hear who the birth mother chooses. We’re entering the long road of waiting for the child God has chosen to place in our home through adoption.

Please pray that God would give us wisdom to know which birth mothers to show our profile. Pray that we would trust his perfect timing as we hear “no,” believing that he sovereignly knows who our future birth mother and child are.  


I’m tearing up now even thinking of how to write this. In our last update in November, we were at a loss for good fundraising ideas to help us finance the profile fee (what we need to start showing our profile to birth mothers). Through your generosity and God’s provision, we raised the EXACT amount needed in the month of December! We thank you and praise God for this answer to prayer. We still plan on having future fundraisers, but right now are focusing on grant writing.

Speaking of grants, we have been awarded a $3,000 matching grant from AIM5 Adoption Fund, administered by Lifesong for Orphans! That means when you give to us through Lifesong, your donation will be matched! The great thing about giving through Lifesong is that your gifts are now tax deductible! There are two ways you can give to us through Lifesong:

  1. Give online at https://mystory.lifesongfororphans.org/stories/journey-domestic-adoption/. STRIPE charges an online processing fee (2.2% +.30 USD per transaction), so your donations will be decreased by this amount.
  2. Give by check. You can either mail the check directly to Lifesong or you can give it to us, and we will mail it with other checks. In the memo line please write “Broderick 08780” to ensure it is credited to our account. Please mail to Lifesong for Orphans, PO Box 40, Gridley, IL 61744.

We still have a little over $20,000 left to raise (the next payments are when we match with a birth mother and when the child is placed with us).

Please pray about giving to our adoption journey or sharing our story with others so that they can give as well! Pray for favor with granting organizations as we begin the tedious application processes. Pray we will trust God with the provision of future financial needs.


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