#ThursdayThings — Books I’ve Read Recently
We’ve taken several trips thissummer, and one of my favorite things to do on vacations is catch up on goodbooks that have been on my “to read” list! Here are a few of my favorites thatI’ve read recently.
Risen Motherhood by Emily Jensen & Laura Wifler

I had the privilege of being onthe launch team for Risen Motherhood, and after waiting months for mypre-ordered copy, it was everything I had hoped it would be! I’ve beenfollowing Risen Motherhood’s blog and podcast for about a year and a half, andwhat I appreciate about Emily and Laura is that everything is Gospel-centered,when so many other motherhood resources are either mom- or kid-centered.
Risen Motherhood brings“Gospel hope for everyday moments,” by first giving us a Gospel frameworkthrough which to process everything: Creation, Fall, Redemption, andRestoration. After reminding us of these four Gospel truths, they then tacklefourteen common issues in motherhood—from postpartum body image to schoolingchoices—using this Gospel framework. While they give examples about how to makedecisions about each of these issues from a Gospel perspective, they give eachmother the freedom and training to think through these issues for themselves.Their goal was not to tell moms what to do but to remind us to filtereverything, even the mundane moments, through the Gospel.
Here are a few of my favoritequotes:
I trust that there is no mundane moment too small for God’s glory to shine through it.
“There’s a difference between beingequipped to make good decisions and needing to be in control of everymoment—and then becoming devastated when you’re not.”
“We aren’t pressured to ‘get it rightor else’ because we trust the one who knows it all and gets it right everytime.”
Gospel Fluency by Jeff Vanderstelt

My husband and I have beenreading this book together at night and finished it up on the long drive to thebeach last month. As a Christian who has grown up in the church, I have many“pre-packaged” Gospel presentations, but this book reminds us that the Gospelshould be a part of everyday conversation. But that’s hard because so many ofus never practice it. Instead, we separate our sacred from our secularconversations.
In Vanderstelt’s book, like RisenMotherhood, he starts with reminding readers of the basic components of theGospel, then applying the Gospel to your own life, to the church, and to thelost around us. Every day we need to be reminded of the Gospel and how it isnot just a part of our past salvation story, but our present and our future.This book challenged me to start rehearsing the Gospel to myself and to othersin all life situations.
I love it when Vandersteltsaid:
We need the gospel and we need to become gospel-fluent people. We need to know how to believe and speak the truths of the gospel—the good news of God—in and into the everyday stuff of life.
“Jesus is good news to them fortheir afterlife, but they wrongly believe he has little or nothing to offerthem in the everyday stuff of life.”
"Gospel fluency requires immersion into a community of people so saturated with the gospel of Jesus Christ that they just can’t stop speaking the truths of Jesus wherever they go and in whatever situations they find themselves."
Give them Grace by Elyse M. Fitzpatrick & Jessica Thompson

Before you read any other Christian parenting books, read this one. This was truly the best book on parenting I have ever read. The mother/daughter author team perfectly mixed biblical truth with practical application. Whenever it felt like it was getting too theological, they presented a real-life example. Whenever they gave action steps, they reminded you of the grace in Christ that covers us when we are lacking. The authors constantly point you back to the sufficiency of God’s grace in us and our children, but they don’t leave you hanging with what to do in the freedom of God's grace.
As a perfectionist whostruggles with heaping self-condemnation, this book was a refreshing reminderthat God is the perfect parent I could never be. It reminded me that my role asa parent is not to be the perfect role model of a Christian, but a fellowsinner leading my children to the grace and mercy found in Christ. Itchallenges the moralistic tendencies of Christian parenting by reminding usthat what matters is not good behavior but heart transformation.
These quotes really encouragedand challenged me:
“Although we long to befaithful parents, we also rest in the truth that our faithfulness is not whatwill save our children.”
Give this grace to your children: tell them who they really are [sinners], tell them what they need to do, and then tell them to taste and see that the Lord is good. Give this grace to yourself, too.
“We have to be willing to saythat the chief end of our parenting is not our own glorification as greatparents but rather that we glorify God and enjoy him forever.”
The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis

I’ve read this book 3-4 timesin my life, most recently this summer as part of my church’s book club. It is ashort read but a potent reminder of the spiritual warfare that is invisibly butpowerfully raging around us. Lewis uses the fictional letters of an older demonto his nephew to show us the tactics the Enemy often uses to keep Christiansfrom faithful obedience. If you’ve never read anything by Lewis, this is agreat place to start. While this was written in the aftermath of World War II,the truths and applications are just as relevant today as it was in Lewis’time.
Here are a few of the best quotes, but keep in mind this was written from the fictional viewpoint of a demon, so these excerpts are written from the faulty perspective of the Enemy.
“Teach [Christians] to estimate the value of each prayer by their success in producing the desired feeling; and never let them suspect how much success or failure of that kind depends on whether they are well or ill, fresh or tired, at the moment.”
“It is during such trough periods, much more than during the peak periods, that [a Christian] is growing into the sort of creature He wants it to be. Hence the prayers offered in the state of dryness are those which please Him best.”
Indeed the safest road to Hell is the gradual one—the gentle slope, soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, without signposts.
Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus by Nabeel Qureshi

This book is a little different from the rest, as it is the testimony of a devout Muslim who came to faith in Christ after deep, systematic study of Christianity. I have read a few books on Islam which outline the basic faith tenants, but this book was unique in its personal perspective. Through his story, a Western Christian can begin to understand the thoughts and heart of Muslims, especially Western Muslims. These cultural differences can become obstacles to the Gospel, and Nabeel helps us understand how we can navigate those with our Muslim neighbors.
While that facet of the bookwas informative, it was also so encouraging to hear of God’s pursuit afterNabeel. God pursued him for years, both through his heart and his head, usinglogical arguments and cultural visions. It reminded me that salvation belongsto the Lord, and he can change the heart of anyone, even a devout Muslim.
If you have Muslim neighbors or are traveling to a Muslim context, I highly recommend this book as a starting place for understanding their religion and worldview. Unfortunately, I borrowed this book from my sister, and I forgot to copy down my favorite quotes!
I pray that one of these books caught your eye and is something you can add to your shelf soon! What are some of your recommendations?