#ThursdayThings — Podcasts for Women

It was a huge transition for meto leave a full-time job that I loved, to work from home and take care of ourbaby girl. I was excited (I had always hoped that we would be in a place whereI could stay at home with my kiddos), but no one could have prepared me forthat change.

One of the hardest adjustments was the lack of adult conversation. I was used to yelling over cubicle walls to my coworkers; now I called my husband (my mother…random aunts…really anyone who would answer) to hear another adult’s voice throughout my day.

Podcasts began to fill that void for me. They provided mental stimulation while I did mundane tasks like change diapers, nurse, and do laundry. It pointed my mind back to God after only having time to read childrens board books. It centered my heart on the Gospel when I wanted to fill it with loneliness, bitterness, or frustration.  

While I also listen to musicand the Bible, podcasts are still my favorite resources for busy moms (or busyadults in general). Here are some of my favorite podcasts specifically forwomen (I’ll do a follow up post with some of my favorite podcasts in generallater). I hope listening to these women encourages you as they have encouragedme.

Risen Motherhood

This was the podcast that gotme into podcasting. I was eight weeks postpartum, and I felt like I wasn’tready to go back to work. But there I was commuting at 6:00am after having twooutfit changes already (one due to #MomBod and the other due to a baby withsevere reflux).

I don’t even remember how Iheard about this podcast, but as I drove to work every morning the followingfew months, I would pack Kleenex as Laura and Emily shared how God was with mein the most difficult and mundane moments of motherhood.

My favorite thing about thispodcast is the way they apply the Gospel to every aspect of ourlives—everything from feeding to discipling our kids. They aren’t prescriptivein their advice, but instead point you back to how Creation, Fall, Redemption,and Restoration changes the way we respond to everyday frustrations and joys.  

Whatever stage of motherhoodyou are at, this podcast will truly speak life to your soul as they point youback to Christ.

A beautiful quote from their mostrecent episode:

“The question we want to fixate on is not, ‘How do I know if I’m a good mom?’ but it’s, ‘Do I know and love the One who makes me good?”

“The question we want to fixate on is not, ‘How do I know if I’m a good mom?’ but it’s, ‘Do I know and love the One who makes me good?”

Emily Jensen


Listening to Hunter Beless’ podcast is like sitting down at a coffee shop with a good mentor and just letting the truth of God that flows from her lips wash over you. I leave each podcast feeling renewed and encouraged to love and seek God more. Her podcasts tackle big topics like The Global Church, Idols of the Heart, and Rest—all for the purpose of helping us on our journey to glorify God.

Every week, you learn not only from Hunter, but her guests include some of my favorite people such as Jen Wilkin, Gloria Furman, Hannah Anderson, and other women (and a few men). Truth be told, I can rarely get through her hour-long podcasts in one sitting (I mean, what mom has time for that?), but hearing throughout my day how other believers have seen the Word of God active in their life reminds me to see God’s work around me.

Go listen to Hunter’s interviewwith Kristie Anyabwile and hear truth like:

“God is doing somethingsupernatural through the church. He is making his wisdom known. We get topractice through the church our heavenly vocation. This life is just arehearsal. This is not our home.”

“God is doing something supernatural through the church. He is making his wisdom known. We get to practice through the church our heavenly vocation. This life is just a rehearsal. This is not our home.”

Kristie Anyabwile

Daily Grace

This is a newer podcast thatI’ve started listening to the past few months, and each episode is gold. Thefirst few cover such foundational aspects of the faith that it would be aperfect place for a new or young believer to start. But even if you are fartheralong in your faith journey, the biblical truths shared by Stefanie and Joannaare great tools to help us to grow deeper in our knowledge and love of God.

Like the Journeywomen podcast, these are a bit longer (sometimes over an hour), and it takes me a few days to get through them. But it is always so worth it, and I leave that time feeling more equipped in my understanding of God’s Word.

Their most recent podcast aboutself-carechallenged the way that I see the role of rest in the calling of God in mylife. Here’s a little bit of truth from that episode:

“The answer [to self-care] is not regular time away—the answer is constantly abiding in Christ.”

“The answer [to self-care] is not regular time away—the answer is constantly abiding in Christ.”

Joanna Kimbrel

I pray God will fill your heartand mind as these podcasts fill your earbuds and speakers. 


Lessons from Spilt Milk


Without Ceasing