Hey there, friend!
I’m a recovering perfectionist finding God’s grace in the everyday moments of life.
Do you ever wonder if you’re not enough?
My first book, Perfected: Trading Shame and Striving for Wholeness in Christ, will help you replace the burdensome expectations and empty affirmations of this world with the truth that Christ has perfected you for all time. You can find freedom from your self-sufficient striving and self-condemning shame and rest in the finished work of Christ on your behalf.
At 6:41 a.m., love is patient.
He is patient with me as I press “snooze” on my phone alarm once, then twice, finally a third time. He waits as I check my email, scroll social media, and sip my coffee before finally pulling out his Word. He does not hold my tardiness against me but welcomes me into his presence.
I haven’t even read a page when my daughter wakes early from a nightmare and wants to cuddle in bed while I finish my time in his Word. At first, I’m frustrated—delayed by my distraction and then by my daughter’s early waketime—then I remember my Father’s patience. I take a deep breath and pull my daughter’s body closer to me.